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Two different colored folders

Various colored highlighters

One composition book

One notebook


Supplies List

Poetry Assignment

DUE: September 5th, 2017

DUE MONDAY: Student's will find two poems that have opposite messages(for example: one poem is about darkness and the other is about light). Students will write an analysis comparing these two poems side by side. Don't forget.

The Handmaiden's Tale

September 6th-TBD

Students will start The Handmaiden's Tale on Tuesday. Make sure you have bought your copy before the start of our reading! We will not wait for you!

Test 1


I am not 100% sure when your first test will be, but be aware it will be coming up in the next month. Be studying your vocabulary words, work on your grammar. Be diligent in your work and your test scores will reflect it!

Calendar/Upcoming Events

First Day of School!

August 29th, 2017

First Day of class. No need to bring your textbooks. Homework is to get your syllabus signed and return in tomorrow.

School Bus & Children
Smiling Student


August 30th, 2017

Students turned in their signed syllabus today. Today we will discuss some classic and modern poets and see how they relate to each other. Homework is to look up one poem that is similar to the two we read in class today and bring it in on Wednesday.


August 31th, 2017

Today we discussed the poems the the students brought to class. Homework: Find two poems that have opposite messages, write an analysis, and bring it to class. This will be due the following Monday! There is no homework for tonight.

Student Writing


September 1st, 2017

There was no homework last  night. Every Thursday throughout this course will be grammar day! Every Thursday students will come in with their Holt Handbook and we will drill on different grammatical concepts. Homework for tonight is to complete pg 2-10 in the handbook.


September 2nd, 2017

Beginning of class we will go over the homework from Holt Handbook! Then we will spend the rest of the class discussing the novel we will start next Tuesday: The Handmaiden's Tale. Don't forget the assignment that was assigned Wednesday is due Monday!

Key Speaker

Get some advice!

So, speaking of your research paper, we will be writing various papers this semester! So don't forget to bookmark this page. It will really tell you all you need to know about getting your own writing style! 

Click here!

Get it right!

When we write our research paper this semester I don't want to see that any of your sources are from buzzfeed and cosmo -sorry, not sorry. That's why I have attached a link to Google Scholar! Make sure your sources are peer-reviewed!


Now none of us naturally know every word in the world! So here I give you a link to an online thesaurus. I can not tell you the amount of times I have gone on here. Make sure to bookmark this and visit it frequently! I don't want to hear how your big sad dog got mad at the mailman. Maybe your gigantic melancholy hound became enraged at the mailman!

Scholarly Fun!

Here are some scholarly links!


I added this link here to show you that learning vocabulary words can be fun! Make sure you bookmark this link so you can start making your own games for vocabulary words!

Click here to get started!

Why We Read

As students studying literature I think it is really important to start the year reading a little article about why reading is incredible! So grab a tissue and let's get started!

The Public Library

In the day and age of social media and information being at the touch of a button, don't forget that taking a stroll in the public library has it's perks! So grab a book, get a library card, and go check out some books!

Just Some Fun...
Welcome Students!

Your Academic Journey

Welcome all incoming students! For many of you this will be your last year of high school and I bet you can't wait. It is such a privilege to see you off to your future! And to those of you who are juniors entering my class I'm so pleased to be helping you make decisions on your future. Hopefully, this will be a great year for all of us! This website is everything you'll need for this upcoming Literature class!

Bellabella's Literature Class


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